The Timeline

From Concept to Construction...

In 2020, the vision for the High Cliff Connection was realized — a bike/pedestrian route that will extend the regional east/west trail corridor from the Loop the Little Lake Trail to High Cliff State Park and establish extended linkages to neighborhoods. The connection will tie into the Friendship Trail and existing and planned local trails.

May 15, 2024: Public Involvement Meeting held for the Trail Feasibility Study for STH 114 and input for future bike/ped improvements along Manitowoc Road.

April 30, 2024: The team submitted a Wisconsin DNR Recreational Trail Program (RTP) grant for rehabilitation of the existing Pigeon Road Trail in Village of Sherwood.

April 3, 2024: The City of Menasha was awarded a $100,000 Wisconsin DNR Recreational Trail Program (RTP)  for trail rehabilitation within Jefferson Park.

March 21, 2024: Public Involvement Meeting (PIM) held at Harrison Village Hall from 5-7 pm to review potential trails along Old Highway Road and the northern end of Pigeon Road. Displays from the meeting and Public Comment Form can be found here: Parks & Recreation – Village of Harrison ( 

January 2024: Kick-off for the Feasibility Studies begin.

October 2023: Village of Harrison submits a WisDOT TAP application for the design and construction of Old Highway Road Trail (1.8 miles).

September 2023: Village of Harrison unanimously supports Old Highway Road Trail concept & WisDOT TAP grant application.

  • Summer/ Early Fall 2023: WisDOT grant agreements executed, Feasibility Study Contracts development. CFFVR pledged 100% of the local share of the grant. 
  • July 2023: WisDOT TAP grant agreements being processed and proposals received for Feasibility Studies.
  • June 2023: City of Menasha and Village of Harrison were awarded the WisDOT TAP grants for the Feasibility Studies. The Feasibility Studies will review the feasibility of potential alignments along STH 114, Old Highway Road, Manitowoc Road, and Pigeon Road.
  • May 2023: The team submitted a Wisconsin DNR Recreational Trail Program (RTP) grant for rehabilitation & realignment of the mainline trail within Jefferson Park.
  • March 2023: The team submitted (2) WisDOT Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) grants to complete Feasibility Studies for potential trail segments within the corridor. Village of Harrison and City of Menasha sponsored the applications and the CFFVR pledged the 20% match.
  • February 2023: The CFFVR hired Trail Strategies, LLC to work with the team to assist in project development & planning.
  • July 2022: The David L. and Rita E. Nelson Family Fund (a fund within the CFFVR) pledged $2,000,000 towards the High Cliff Connection.
  •   2021- 2022: ECWPRC worked with HKGi and the community to develop a master plan for the High Cliff Connection. The master plan was presented to all communities and adopted by ECWRPC in October 2022.
  • 2021: The Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region (CFFVR) donated $100,000 towards the completion of a Master Plan for the High Cliff Connection.
  • 2020: The Fox Cities Trail Summit identified the High Cliff Connection as a regional priority.