The Project
Old Highway Road Trail- Existing & Proposed

Village of Harrison was awarded a WisDOT TAP grant for the design and construction of a new trail along Old Highway Road. This project will allow bicyclist and pedestrians a safe, separated travel way versus the existing bike lanes on the roadway. The new trail will be the 1st new trail section of the High Cliff Connection to be constructed.
WisDOT awarded the Village a Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant for $935,489.34. This funding will help cover the design, construction, and construction oversight costs for the new trail. Details on grant timing are still forthcoming, but the federal grant process is more involved than locally-funded public works projects, so construction will still be a few years out.
The new off-road trail will be located within the existing public right-of-way. This is possible with the planned roadway modifications and the replacement of the bike lane width with the off-road trail
Pigeon Road Trail Rehabilitation

The Village of Sherwood applied for a Wisconsin DNR grant for the rehabilitation of the existing Pigeon Road Trail which reaches from State Park Road to Blue Heron Court. The rehabilitation will include safety upgrades at road intersections, resurfacing, and utility relocations. The application was submitted on April 30, 2024 and initial award notifications are expected in September 2024.
Feasibility Studies

In 2022, we wrote grants for Feasibility Studies to further study select potential corridors identified in the High Cliff Connection Corridor. The sections being studied include the following locations:
- Old Highway Road
- Pigeon Road (north section)
- Manitowoc Road
- STH 114
The grants were awarded and are funded 80% by WisDOT and then the 20% local match is being funded by the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region.
High Cliff Connection Master Plan

In 2020 The Fox Cities Trail Summit identified the High Cliff Connection as a regional priority. Following the Summit, in 2021, the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region (CFFVR) donated $100,000 towards the completion of a Master Plan for the High Cliff Connection.
In 2021- & 2022, the East Central Wisconsin Regional Plan Commission worked with HKGi and the community to develop a master plan for the High Cliff Connection. The master plan was presented to all communities and adopted by ECWRPC in October 2022.