Thanks for helping to make the High Cliff Connection a reality!
There are a variety of ways that you can help with expanding bicycle and pedestrian facilities from the Miron Trestle to High Cliff State Park! Here’s how you can help:
Donate Funds
The High Cliff Connection vision was created through a collaboration of local municipalities, government agencies, and the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region. The Community Foundation pledged funds towards the project and has set up a separate fund specific to the High Cliff connection. The CFFVR is a nonprofit, charitable organization. Donations to the High Cliff Connection through the CFFVR are tax deductible:
Connect & Share
The High Cliff Connection will be built in phases with timing dependent on a variety of elements. Keeping the public informed about the project is key. If you’re interested in receiving the blog updates automatically, please subscribe to our news updates:
Get the Word Out
We welcome opportunities to expand knowledge of the project, so please do not hesitate to contact us if you know of a local event that invites non-profit organizations to display information at public events.