Matching givers to the connections

Thank you for your interest and passion to build a safe, off-road trail connection to/from High Cliff. We’ve heard from many who have asked “How can this can get done so we can enjoy it as soon as possible”?
The municipal partners are doing a great job with collaborating, municipal support, and leveraging grant opportunities. and planning. The High Cliff Connection is a tremendous public-private partnership that will involve municipal investment leveraged by securing grants and private contributions from people like you.
To date, the High Cliff Connection has received over $2 million in private giving, but we will need more people to get involved to bring it across the finish line. Giving is easy, and you can have confidence as it is entrusted to the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region — so it also qualifies for the charitable tax deduction if that applies to you! Please take action on your passion today — go to Nelson Family Fund for Trail to High Cliff State Park to make your online gift.
If you’d like to talk with someone about your giving interest, click here.
Together, we are connecting people and communities. Happy holidays!